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  • 22 May 2021 9:09 AM | Millar (Administrator)

    Sail Loft Cafe - Reopening

    We will be reopening the Sail Loft Cafe this weekend (22nd May). The cafe will be open every Friday evening from 5pm - 8pm for hot drinks and pizza, and every Saturday from 10am - 6pm for coffee, cakes and lunchtime food. 

    Please see our menu below:


    • Tea         Â£1.00

    • Decaf tea £1.00

    • Peppermint tea £1.00                                           

    • Earl Grey tea £1.00

    • Coffee (black/white) £1.50

    • Hot chocolate £2.00   Cream and marshmallows+£2.50

    • Squash (orange/blackcurrant) £0.50

    • Apple/orange juice carton £1.00

    *Hot drinks with an option of oat milk*

    Filled Rolls

    • Cheese (+ chutney)£2.00

    • Bacon £2.00

    • Tuna mayo £2.00

    • Fried egg £2.00

    • +Crisps+ £0.50

    • +Side salad+ Â£0.50

    Soup of the day - see board for reference £2.50

    • Roll +£0.50

    Traybakes - see board for reference £2.00

    Scones - see board for reference £1.50

    *If you have any allergies, please let us know*

  • 16 May 2021 12:43 PM | Millar (Administrator)

    It is with great sadness that we learn of the passing of long-serving ELYC member, Brian Cameron. The start line wont be the same without you.

    Our thoughts are with Viv and the family.

  • 10 Apr 2021 9:04 AM | Millar (Administrator)

    East Lothian Yacht Club are saddened to learn of the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip the Duke of Edinburgh.

    He inspired millions of young people to enjoy the outdoors through the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme which he established in 1956. His legacy lives on through the award and all those who have been inspired by it.

  • 30 Oct 2020 3:37 PM | Millar (Administrator)

    The Committee recently announced that former Commodore Sheila Smith had kindly donated her Laser to the Club for the exclusive use of a Cadet/Junior member for a full sailing season. A fantastic gesture from Shelia and a tremendous opportunity for a young Club sailor to get involved in the Laser scene at ELYC.

    The committee subsequently invited Cadet and Junior members to submit their applications for use of the Sheila's Laser and as such, we are delighted to announce that Fraser Davidson will be taking the helm for the 2021 season.

    Fraser is absolutely delighted and thanks the Club and Sheila for making it happen. He intends to sail and race it as often as he can, plus he’s promised to give it some good old TLC.

    We look forward to seeing Fraser and Sheila's Laser on the start line soon!

  • 15 Oct 2020 2:46 PM | Millar (Administrator)

    From everyone at ELYC, huge congratulations to former ELYC Commodore and long serving member Stewart Auld, who has been awarded the British Empire Medal for 54 years service to the RNLI. 

  • 04 Oct 2020 1:43 PM | Millar (Administrator)

    Running for the RNLI

    ELYC member Lizzie Cowan is running 100k plus a half marathon in October for RNLI - Royal National Lifeboat Institution because they saved her husband's life.

    Visit her just giving page.

  • 22 Sep 2020 1:03 PM | Kinnie (Administrator)

    Dear member ,

    I hope you have been able to make the most of the summer despite the restrictions. Autumn can bring some of the most memorable conditions and beautiful sailing around North Berwick. There is still plenty of time to enjoy the water this year. 

    With the resumption of outdoor contact sports, we can remove many of the restrictions on our club activities. Naturally easing restrictions are associated with accepting higher risk. While the Scottish and Lothians infection rate remains low, we all know local spikes and clusters are still possible. The club will take reasonable precautions but risk cannot be eliminated. Members should take individual responsibility for deciding whether to attend club events. 

    Phase 3 - Outdoor contact sports update to members

    Please review the updated ELYCCovid-19 Operating procedures on the club website.

    PDF link here.

    The main changes are:

    • Outdoor club organised sports events of up to 30 people are permitted provided contact tracing is in place.
    • Registration is still required for all club events to enable contact tracing.
    • The maximum number of boats in a club event is increased to 20.
    • We will no longer launch and recover dinghies in flights.
    • The wind limits are at the discretion of the OOD.
    • The 2 season minimum sailing experience is removed. Club sailing events now require an RYA2 cert or equivalent.
    • Mixed household dinghy crew and rib crew are permitted. ELYC strongly encourage a single crew buddy that you keep for the year.
    • We continue to allow single handed RIBs for RYA or ELYC safety boat certified helms; PB2 certification alone is not enough to single hand a club rescue boat in our waters. 
    • Rescue crew will only intervene if sailors require an ambulance, first aid or separated from their boat.
    • Club boats may be hired for all club events.

    Bar is open, Cafe next

    • The bar is open! Thanks to Pete, Ruth and Alastair for putting all the work in to open up the club bar. We have limited the capacity, spaced out the tables and ensured plenty of ventilation, the intent is to be a relaxed place to meet up.
    • We are looking at how and when we open the cafe. We have a little more work to do here. If you would like to help define or influence our future catering, please step forward with your ideas.

    Sailing Update

    • Social sailing continues to be popular, we have increased the number of boats that may register and plan to run events through the balance of the year.
    • Yacht skippers are running ad hoc cruises whenever the tides and forecast suits. 
    • Racing has been blown off more than on recently, but we expect the covid guidance has stabilised for a few months so Matt has created the Autumn series on the club calendar.
    • Squad activities are about to get started with structured coaching for cadets who want to advance their racing skills.
    • A club closed regatta will be run end of September, with first weekend of October as reserve. Thanks to Steve Fraser for being chief regatta wave maker.
    • Our instructors pulled together 2 weeks of training just in time for the end of the school holidays.
    • Our maintenance crew are hard at work keeping all the wheels greased and the club boats water tight. Take a moment to say thank you in person whenever you see Donald, Ted, Ricky, Mike, Angus. And if you break something, please remember to email and let them know.

    Club Duties

    With the latest update allowing mixed household Ribs, our pool of rib drivers may increase, but many members are not comfortable breaking social distance. If you are signing up for club events, plan on taking a club duty around once a month. And if you have not done a duty yet, right now is the best time to sign up on dutyman

    Subscriptions 2020

    At the start of lock down in March we  allowed members to defer their subscription as we figured everyone would have more important tasks to attend to. As the club approaches the end of our financial year, now is the time to chase outstanding subscriptions. We'll send out a reminder shortly and ask everyone to pay their dues by Wednesday 30th September. We'll assume you wish membership to lapse if we don't hear from members before that date. Of course, if you need  more time or a little help, and wish to continue membership, please just let Ron (Treasurer), Alison (Membership) or Nick (Commodore) know.

    Fireworks 2020 cancelled

    We have decided to cancel the fireworks display this year. East Lothian Council guidance is to avoid large outdoor community gatherings, and we could be left with fireworks that we could not use and the associated costs. We'll put the funds aside for a display in 2021.

    See you on the water soon,

    Nick Roche.

    ELYC Commodore


  • 12 Sep 2020 10:50 AM | Millar (Administrator)

    Sheila Smith, ex Commodore, has kindly donated her laser to the club for the exclusive use of a Cadet/Junior Member for a period of 12 months/ one full sailing season.

    If you wish to apply for the loan please make application by email to within 7 days of receipt of this email. Should there be more than one applicant a ballot will be held to pick the successful person.

    Please read the attached criteria and conditions of the loan and confirm in your application that you will fully abide by them.

    If you have any question or queries please contact me, at the above email address.

    This is a great opportunity for a cadet/junior member to pursue and enjoy Laser sailing on a regular basis. The laser has a Radial rig, so ideal for a cadet/junior member. 


    Mike Rigg

    Vice Commodore

  • 15 Jul 2020 11:40 AM | Millar (Administrator)

    The club flag will fly at half mast on Thursday 16th July in memory of Douglas Barbour.

    Douglas was a rescue boat man in the days before our fast RIBS. Maintaining the club boats and using his own boat for duties gave him a huge amount of pleasure.

    Mike Rigg remembers Douglas as always ready to give advice and a helping hand if you had any problems.

    Ted Hill's memories of Douglas are when he succeeded Bill Morrison to run and maintain the blue diesel rescue boat. (It was a Cheverton Champ with Lister dump truck engine. Royal Forth had one also, but ours had a whip staff steering arrangement to maximise working space astern of the helm's position). Douglas was always noted for his infectious laughter and very loud voice. He put in a lot of work for the club and his practical skills were legendary.

    The Barbour family have always been good friends to the club. On behalf of East Lothian Yacht Club let me send my thanks to Douglas and the wider Barbour family for all the help and support contributed to the club over many years. We have had Barbour rescue crew, regatta team, racers, cadets, instructors and more.

    East Lothian Yacht club extend deepest condolences to the Barbour family.

East Lothian Yacht Club | 36-40 Victoria Road | The Harbour | North Berwick | East Lothian | EH39 4JL

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