Cafe Food Order
Our new volunteer-run café, run by members for members, will be open on Saturdays from 10:30am to 12pm, serving tea, coffee, home baking, bacon and egg rolls. All members are welcome. We are also serving hot snacks in the bar after club racing.
If you would like a bacon or egg roll or a hot snack, please order and pay in advance. This is so we know how many people to cater for. We wouldn't want you to miss out!
Bacon/Egg Rolls will be ready to be collected from the Sail Loft Cafe at approx 11:00am.
Hot Snack will be served in the bar straight after club racing.
Please check out the Sail Loft Cafe Forum to see who this week's volunteers are and what hot snack they will be serving.
(The Sail Loft Cafe Forum can be accessed from the "Members Only" section of the website.)